Yesterday was thumbing through the Vancouver Zombiewalk 2005 photos at flickr and wishing I lived in a city that would spawn such spectacles. There are at least two Zombie Jesuses in the flickr footage, which gives me a warm tingly feeling all over.
News of the zombiewalk made me very happy, and I spent a couple of hours drawing zombies, revenants, animated corpses, ghouls, etc. Drawing the living dead is fun and easy. You can be real loose and scribbley, in fact, often tightening up the drawing often results in cheesy over-realized cartoony zombies, which are not as much fun as the scraggly, torn and filthy shamblers who look as though they pulled themselves up through six feet of mud and sod. Deformations in shape and proportion are obviously the result of decay and the particularities of each revenant’s death, rather than evidence of lack of skill or foresight on the artist’s part.
I highly recommend it. Thinking back, it seems that I drew nothing but zombies between the ages of 13 and 17. Well, there was one other common subject, but those drawing were all shaky because I couldn’t hold the paper with my other hand because it was– nevermind.