We’ve all been told at some point that two wrongs don’t make a right. Most of us have found proof of this in our lives as well. It makes sense. But the statement implies that at some point, some number of wrongs will, finally, equal a right. The question then becomes, “where is the threshold between rightness and wrongness?”
I don’t know where exactly the threshold lies. But I have seen proof that it is possible to cross over; to pile wrong atop wrong, one after the other, until the result– somehow– becomes right.
Last night I watched Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. It is not so much a movie as it is a careful experiment to discover the wrong-to-right transformation threshold. Everything about this movie is wrong. The acting, the dubbing, the sound & visual effects, the editing, the choice of film and soundtrack– everything. And the result? To put it mildly, I was thoroughly entertained. As bad films go, this one is really good– because they managed to cross over that threshold.
It takes an incredibly strong determination to fail in order to make a film like this succeed. I hope they make a sequel.