Illustration Friday

Ever hear of it? It’s here. Their welcome describes it better than I want to. It’s something I’ve been doing to keep ahold of my illustration skills– not my “make pretty pictures” skills, but rather the “make pretty pictures that illuminate a topic” ones. I haven’t posted my solutions there for a few reasons. I haven’t wanted to attract attention to my derelict of a website, for one. There’s a very wide range of technical skill displayed at IF, but a narrower range of solutions…

I prefer illustrations that bring something new to the table– that are not simply pictures of a noun, like a diagram in a dictionary. A good illustration should help the viewer see a side of the topic that was previously hidden to them– it should illuminate. You’ll find fewer of these at IF, probably because a good number of the participants are amateurs– just drawing for fun. I’m not knocking them and their pictures; more power to them, in fact. They’re just working at a different part of the curve.

There are some excellent participants as well– but only a handful of them. Denis Goulet, par example, has an excellent sense of humor.

The great thing about IF is that you get a hundred or more people presenting their solution– and my goal is to be different from all of them. From this POV it’s an excellent exercise.

Here’s links to my previous IF solutions:

Ack. Pfthht!

So I’m enjoying the no-pro lifestyle I’ve assumed. It’s great! I like working without a deadline, and not having to lobotomize my artwork in order to get paid. This is much better. But it’s really easy to slip into complete complacency, and not draw or paint anymore. Not only that, but some kind folks have expressed interest in what sort of work I’ve been doing and not showing to anyone. Well, I’d best get around to rebuilding this website– and here’s the first change. I’ve gotta come up with a new name, and get my recent stuff digitized and postable. I’ll get to that. I’m still raising a family, and have new hobbies and time-bandits about, so be patient. But it’ll happen. Someday.

Off again, off again.

It should be fairly obvious just looking at this blog that consistency is not one of my strong points. But everyday, and in one or two ways, I’m getting better and better. I made a decision recently to refuse commisions for now. Probably for about a year. When I say “I,” I really mean that my daughter made this decision for me. She’s 2. She doesn’t like it when I paint without her. I kinda have problems when she spills paint, water, juice, milk, drool, or whatever other fluid is handy over my paintings. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes this helps the painting, but I just don’t want to make it a habit. So I don’t paint when she’s awake, except for those times when spillage is required. This limits my productive time somewhat. Makes it hard to work on a deadline. Consequently, I’ve done away with deadlines. It feels nice. No more cooperation! No more comprimise! Art directors and editors can shove it! Hooray!

Now I can focus on painting for about 20-30 minutes a night on stuff that doesn’t have to make sense or be inoffensive. I would do it for longer, but that’s about as long as I can keep my eyes open after the “Terror of Two Years” has gone to bed.

“Freedom! Horrible, horrible freedom!”

Missing: 1 little black book

Ok, so most of the time I’m good about maintaining a backup of important data. Most of the time. I’ll let you know: if you use, or ever decide to use linux, the -rf flag is very useful with many basic file manipulation commands, but if you’re going to use it, probably better add a -i and maybe a -v. ‘Cause sometimes you get on a roll, and only later realize that, well, you could have used that particular directory… particularly if it contained your address book.

At least with computers, what you don’t know can kick your ass. So, if you’ve been expecting an email from me recently, or if you would like for me to have your email address so that you can expect one from me from time to time, better send me an email first. Because I don’t have your address anymore. Believe me, I’m sorry.

Happy Birthday, bro!

No, I didn’t forget, but I did lose your email address. My brother is 20 this month. And now, finally, my mother has no more teenagers in the house. That makes about 19 years or so that she’s had to deal with some self-centered, obnoxious hormone factory. So happy birthday John, and congrats mom! You earned a vacation.

Medium sized message

In the introduction to the second edition of his book Understanding Media, Marshall McLuhan writes, “The art and poetry of Zen create involvement by means of the interval, not by the connection used in the visually oriented Western world. Spectator becomes artist in Oriental art because he must supply all the connections.”

Hot Damn! This is what art is all about for me! That’s the kind of art I love, and the kind of art I try to create. It’s kinda like legos– you have all these different shapes, but it’s up to you to put them together. Isn’t this so much better than art that does all the work for you? If you want it all spelled out for you, just watch MTV. But wisdom you didn’t work for has no value. It’s just a cliche until you put the pieces together for yourself. That’s my bent, anyway. Speaking of Bent, I’m listening to their album “The Everlasting Blink”. I’m pretty sure one of my english teachers had a rule against having the phrase, “Hot Damn!” twice in the same paragraph, but I cannot resist. Hot Damn! Wait, that’s three times. Nevermind. What I’m trying to say is I really like this album. It’s… charming or something. I don’t know, it’s just good.

circle around, circle around…

A few weeks ago I got fed up with Windows (again). But this time I did something about it, other than (I should say as well as) the usual cursing, hopping up and down, foaming at the mouth and chewing the rug. I switched to Linux. Gentoo Linux to be specific. This has been a slow and laborious process for me, but also one that was a long time coming. Consequently, I’ve been away from the blog– though it’s obvious I don’t spend much time here anyway. So, now that I’m back up and running, hopefully I’ll be stopping in a bit more often.

garble farble warble

Last night at 1:00 in the morning I had a fantastic idea for a post topic. Well, I thought it was fantastic at the time. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to remember it. Maybe I should have written it down, but when I do that sort of thing, by morning I’m always left puzzling out what it was I had written while half awake and in the dark. It’s probably stuff like the things that seem like good ideas in my dreams, like the combination exercycle/toilet I dreamt about the other night. While they may make sense there, they tend to not translate well to this world.

Don’t look now, you’re standing in it.

Been calling myself an artist this long and still have no real handle on how to generate imagery on demand… I realized today that I almost never start with an image as the core of a piece: the idea usually comes in the form of words. All my talk of visual literacy, and I’m still just translating– not directly creating in the visual language. It’s kind of a roundabout way to work, and may be part of my problem of inconsistent productivity. But I also noticed later today that I do create imagery spontaneously in my mind– I just never notice that I’m doing it in time to draw it. It’s like complaining about not having change for the parking meter without noticing you’re sitting on a stack of gold — let ’em tow the car, just buy another!