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Lake Spirit 1
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Looks like I’ve had the ocean on my mind a lot lately.
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Ndasi doing her thing. I think that must be Chennai at the oars. (Characters from the Blank Verse storyline over at Unicorn Soup.)
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Today’s comment: No comment for today!
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It’s been too long since I visited the coast. When I was young, I wanted to be a marine biologist. But I took the easy path…
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Fish girl better get moving, methinks. Painted in Krita, yet again.
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Another digital paint, made with Krita. Click the thumbnail to embiggen.
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High Lord Wolnir
Ahhh, Dark Souls! Such a wonderful series of games. The third installment has been out for a few weeks now. There’s a lovely variety of bossfights, and one of my favorites is High Lord Wolnir. Here’s a quick digital paint of Wolnir, made using Krita, which is fast becoming a favorite tool of mine.