Cogito Ergo Es

I’ve got the “paintings for sale” section up and running now, see the right hand column. One of the pieces listed is this one: “Cogito Ergo Es”. That’s latin, loosely translated as “I think therefore you is”. Robert Anton Wilson quotes a philosopher whom I’ve forgotten in Maybe Logic, “All perception is a gamble.” He goes on to say that he’s amazed at “how often I can forget that in twenty-four hours.” Even still, I’ll bet he remembers it way more often than I do.

Searching for the Blues

So I’m studying the Blues. Strictly armchair. I’d often read that the Blues were important to modern music, but I couldn’t _hear_ how they were important. So I started listening to old Blues, to try to suss out the bits that had filtered down. I couldn’t find them. See, I was looking for tiny details, focusing on small parts of the sound– focusing so close on the bark of a tree that the forest was completely lost to me. It wasn’t until I started trying to play them that I began to see.

There would be no country music without the Blues. There would be no rock. No jazz. Even the various electronic genres owe a debt to the Blues. All good modern music (‘good’ in my opinion, of course) to come from America flows directly from the Blues. Because the Blues were where African aesthetics of rhythm were joined with European aesthetics of harmony. This is a big deal to me.

here are some quick sketches of a couple of my favorites thus far:

Robert Johnson

‘Mississipi’ Joe Callicott

John Lee Hooker

somewhere around here I’ve got drawings of R.L. Burnside and T-Model Ford as well. Posts ’em when I finds ’em.

What’s in a name?

All things change. Who am I to resist? I’ve changed the name of my website for several reasons, and I don’t know you well enough to get into all of them. Suffice it to say I was bored, and looking to muck things up a little bit.

So what does Polymanic mean? The short answer is that I’m not really sure. Poly means ‘many’, and the suffix -mania denotes an obsession or madness towards something.

So is polymania an obsession on things in large groups, or a large group of obsessions? Is there a difference?

I don’t know, and that’s why I chose this name.

Red Kali

I consider this to be another in my Kali series– but my more recent Kalis seem to have less traditional imagery, and more of my own. Does this mean they shouldn’t be called Kalis anymore? Maybe. But I’ll keep calling them that anyway. This one I have mixed feelings about. I’m embarrassed I didn’t ‘play up’ the wonky drawing, instead I tried to hide what was wrong. Since my own approach seems very much to involve mistakes and flaws as central elements, it’s a bit antithetical (did I use that word right?) to try to cover up my problems. But I just loooove the color. Oh yeah baby.

IF: Sport

So I skipped a week or two. Get over it. I was going to skip this one as well, til a friend’s sketches for the theme pointed out to me that I was in a rut, and the whole point of doing IF was to try new things. :) How soon we forget.

IF: Summer

The theme this time is summer. Didn’t feel like illustrating it, so I worked on a drawing of a summer memory– when I was in HS I worked as a swim instructor & coach during the summers. Every afternoon at 3:30 the pool was empty til 4 when the team I coached would arrive for practice. Empty, that is, except for me. I’d just float around the diving end of the tank, halfway between the surface and the bottom, watching my shadow on the below.

Probably the most peaceful times in my life. I still miss that.

IF: Digital

This one might need some explaining. Computers do just fine with digital thinking. A bit is either 1 or 0, on or off, black or white. What’s great for computers isn’t so great for us humans. Humans that think digitally are dangerous beings– those who are confident that they are good and right do the most unspeakable things. It’s that kind of digital that I chose to illustrate.


IF’s theme this week is Envy. This is a much better theme than last week– too good, in fact. I’ve had the opposite problem from last week, when I had trouble coming up with something worth drawing. Now there’s too many ideas. This is a theme I’ve dealt with before in previous paintings, so I tried to avoid using elements from earlier solutions.


When I draw, I watch my hand & the pencil making their movements in realtime, correcting and adjusting constantly. For me, it’s the typical creative process, to watch something becoming, and to push that becoming towards something recognizeable. I control the pace, though I don’t really know where I’m going till I get there– sometimes not for quite a while after that.

I’m learning to play the guitar, and there’s something markedly different here; with a pencil, I can be deliberate and slow, and a drawing may still be coherent. But if I slow down so my unaccustomed fingers can shape the chords correctly, the music I play becomes incoherent. It comes down to control of time. When drawing, I can control time– slowing it down til it nearly stops, to capture the nuance I’m looking for– but when playing music, the time controls me. I’m unable to slow down, unless I break the continuity of what I’m creating. I’m a slave to my own time-traveling limitations.

It’s very frustrating– like having your car stolen– it used to be you could go to all these places easily, with little effort. Now they all seem so far away.